Integral Human Development (IHD) is a project of the Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU), implemented by the International Institute for Ethics and Contemporary Issues (IIECI) which is based on the Faculty of Social Sciences UCU.
The concept of integral human development describes the phenomenon of a dignified life, the premise of which is the recognition of the multidimensional nature of an individual and the importance of their good relations with other people in society as well as with all of God's creation. It is about the prosperity of the whole person and every person in a just and peaceful community. IIECI uses exactly this approach in its work. It is based on an integral understanding of human well-being and human development, which includes the economic, social, political, cultural, ecological, and spiritual dimensions of his life.
1. UCU as an academic institution becomes a bright and transformative example of a viable academic community united by the idea of serving the common good for the victory and reconstruction of Ukraine on the basis of integral human development.
2. UCU acts as a hub that strengthens the capacity of its stakeholders in the field of integral human development and creates a network of cooperation with universities, public organizations, the Church, religious communities, businesses, the public sector, and authorities at the national and international levels.
3. UCU, guided by the principles of integral human development, influences the creation of a new social contract, the development of policies and practices of social development, the revitalization of community life, the strengthening of civic virtues, and the healing of war wounds. It develops a model of the university focused on service leadership.
Structure of the Project

Today Ukraine is a battlefield, a moral ground, an open wound, a genocidal night, an epicenter of international solidarity, a space of courage and freedom, a site of reconstruction, a laboratory of social transformations, a source of hope and vision for the future.
How to broadcast the Ukrainian experience and testimony of the sacrificial resistance to evil, the defense and struggle for freedom, the solidarity of overcoming the challenges of war in victory over the enemy, the triumph of life, and the healing of war wounds? How to invest our victory in the steady practice of recovery, development, and transformation of Ukraine?
Integral human development is a fundamental concept for assessing challenges, finding solutions, designing methods and tools for Ukraine's post-war development and social progress.
IHD Project in Numbers