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May 31, 2022
Faith and Freedom
The Role of Religion in the Processes of Transformation from Totalitarianism to Democracy, Establishing Civil Society, and Building...

May 28, 2022
Faith and Freedom
Notre Dame’s Nanovic Institute and Ukrainian Catholic University to study the role of religion in building civil society. Please follow...

May 27, 2022
On the Art of Considerate Persuasion: A Call for Rhetorical Civility
Offending religious feelings issue based on the disputable usage of
symbols through the novel theoretical lenses of rhetorical civility

May 25, 2022
Social Trinitarianist Concept of Person as Foundation of Social Ethics and Orthodox Euro Integration
The article investigates an influential doctrine of social trinitarianism (Moltmann, Volf, Boff, Zizioulas, Staniloae)
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