The Department of Political Sciences of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Ukrainian Catholic University and the GRAVISSIMUM EDUCATIONIS Foundation announce the second enrollment of the certificate program "Justice, Democracy and Catholic Public
Thought". We invite young politicians, activists, journalists, teachers, students of humanities and social sciences - all who seek to make constructive changes in local communities and the Ukrainian context through their professional activities. Classes will be held online on Wednesdays (19:00-20:30) from November 11, 2020 to February 24, 2021, and provide both a theoretical basis and the implementation of interesting cases. Participation in the certificate program is free. More about the certificate program: https://cutt.ly/jgaQWT1 What should one do to get on the program? ✔ Prepare a short motivation; ✔ Fill in the form at the link: https://urlzs.com/P8t58 till October 30, 2020; ✔ If there are some questions, write to the e-mail: christina_m@ucu.edu.ua