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The Sacredness of Human Life and
Ethical Nature of all Human Affairs

Social Trinitarianist Concept of Person as Foundation of Social Ethics and Orthodox Euro Integration
The article investigates an influential doctrine of social trinitarianism (Moltmann, Volf, Boff, Zizioulas, Staniloae)

Live in dignity - Human rights and shared values according to Christianity and Islam
The goal of this article is to study the development of the concept of human rights and respect for human dignity in Christianity and Islam

The Church in Service of the Development of the Safety of Children
The Department of Pastoral Theology and the Child Dignity Center plan to study the state of awareness of clergy and laity of The...

Social documents of the Church - Соціальні документи Церкви
У цьому збірникові зібрано, мабуть уперше в Україні, переклади 12 документів Римо-Католицької Церкви, присвячених соціальним питанням -...

The School of the Social Thought of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky
Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS) aims at growing its capacity of becoming UCU's vehicle of the evangelization of the social life, ethical...

Christian Values Shaping Society
This project aims at enhancing education of a new generation of social and political leaders committed to moral values, human dignity and...

Justice, Democracy, and Catholic Social Thought
The Department of Political Sciences of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Ukrainian Catholic University and the GRAVISSIMUM...

Living like the Trinity - Жити як Трійця
Олег Мельниченко дослідник історії богослов'я, STL Віра у Трійцю парадоксальна, нелогічна, а найпростіша спроба її бодай висловити, не те...
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